Corporate Management

Esam Elashmawi
Interim Chief Executive Officer & Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer
Esam Elashmawi is Lattice Semiconductor’s Interim Chief Executive Officer & Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer. Esam has played a critical role in Lattice’s transformation since joining Lattice in 2018. As Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer, Esam spearheaded the Company’s strategic
Pravin Desale
Senior Vice President of Research & Development
Pravin Desale is Lattice Semiconductor’s Senior Vice President of Research & Development (R&D). He joined Lattice in September 2023 and is responsible for the development of all hardware, software, and solutions for the company. Pravin has more than 30 years of R&D and technology leadership
Tracy Feanny
Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary
Tracy Feanny is Lattice Semiconductor’s Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary .She joined Lattice in November 2021 with responsibility for all legal matters and serving as the company’s chief compliance officer. Tracy has over 20 years of experience leading legal support on matters
Terese Kemble
Chief People Officer and Senior Vice President, Human Resources
Terese Kemble is Lattice Semiconductor’s Chief People Officer and Senior Vice President, Human Resources. She joined Lattice in July 2019 after serving as Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer with Juniper Networks.  Terese brings many years of human resources leadership
Denis Lavallee
Senior Vice President and General Manager, Mirametrix Software Products
Denis Lavallee joined Lattice Semiconductor in November 2021 and is the Senior Vice President and General Manager, Mirametrix Software Products.  Denis brings 35 years of experience in technology innovations and business development to his role. He founded Mirametrix in 2013, leading the strategic
Sherri Luther
Chief Financial Officer
Sherri Luther is Lattice Semiconductor's Chief Financial Officer. She joined Lattice in January 2019 after serving as Corporate Vice President of Finance at Coherent Inc.   Sherri brings to the role 29 years of strategic and financial operations experience, with an expertise in financial reporting,
Mark Nelson
Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales
Mark Nelson is Lattice Semiconductor’s Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales. He joined Lattice in January 2019 after serving as Vice President and General Manager of Worldwide Sales for Intel Corporation’s Programmable Solutions Group (PSG). Mark brings to the role 30 years of broad semiconductor
Glenn O'Rourke
Strategic Advisor
Glenn O’Rourke is a Strategic Advisor to the CEO for special projects at Lattice Semiconductor, having previously led the company’s operational and manufacturing as Senior Vice President, Global Operations and Quality from December 2018 to July 2024. Glenn has more than 35 years of FPGA technology
Senior Vice President, Global Operations and Quality
Divyesh Shah is Lattice Semiconductor’s Senior Vice President, Global Operations and Quality. He joined Lattice in July 2024 and is responsible for all aspects of the company’s supply chain and manufacturing operations. Divyesh has more than 35 years of semiconductor operations and engineering
Jerry Xu
President APAC
Jerry Xu is Lattice’s President APAC. He leads the Sales, and Application Engineering functions in the APAC region. Jerry joined Lattice in 2016 in the same role but focused on the Communications and Compute segments. His mission is to lead Lattice business growth from APAC with the best customer